Wednesday, January 19, 2011

19 days in

19 days into a 30 or 31 day no meat fast/ vegetarian diet plan and I couldn't be happier w/ the results. I am down to 191-193 pounds, b/t 15.5 and 17% bodyfat, running better and recovering faster than ever. I also have less joint pain and symptoms. I know some or even all of this could be attributed to better training such as better warm-ups, more consist running and improved mechanics w/ drills and core exercises. BUT I also know eating vegetarian as pushed me to eat cleaner, less overall, and to think more about what I am putting into and doing w/ my body! It has also been fun to find out how certain things we don't normally eat in our house can be combined together or added to an already familiar recipe to make for a more varied, flavorable meal, and to realize it is not all just salad, salad, salad! I just wish now I could convince my family to continue to eat this way. I would like to go back to some meat but not too much maybe like every other family supper but keep the others,bfast and lunches meatless or at least heavy on veggies and fruit!!! I know my wife misses meat more than I do, which is in some ways odd, but lets face it she eats unhealthier than I do anyway. I know she also usually does more cooking than I do and likes a lot of traditional recipes. I just want this healthy lighter feeling to continue and I am in charge of that to a degree. So even if we "go back to meat" I will control for myself the portions and type. I will also make sure I am getting tons of veggies, fruits and nuts!!!
Forward we go!!!

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